Category: Travel Intelligence

How to Choose a Family Holiday

Going on holiday as a family can be a great experience and an opportunity for everybody to bond. However, choosing the right holiday is key to having a good time. The destination must be somewhere that everybody is happy with,…

Fun Activities to Do With Kids When in Bali

Bali is a picturesque island in the Southeast Asian province of Indonesia. The landscape of the island is known for its scenic beaches, lush jungle, green rice paddies, volcanic mountains that are forested, and amazing coral reefs. This beautiful location…

Best Places in New York to go shopping

The best areas in New York City to Go Shopping

New York is known worldwide for its shopping but remember New York City is a big place. If you want the best of the best, here are some of the best areas in New York City to go shopping. Williamsburg,…

The Best Places to Vacation in Costa Rica

The Central American country of Costa Rica is a truly amazing place to visit, the country is covered with beautiful beaches, a vast and rugged rainforest, volcano’s and bustling cities. Costa Rica is well-known for it’s large variety of wildlife, it’s incredible…

How to get to JFK from Manhattan

JFK International Airport is the major travel hub in New York City for international flights. It’s a clean, modern and very efficient airport but unfortunately it’s quite a distance to the big business hub that is Manhattan. So how do…

Best Winter City

The Nicest Cities in The World to Visit in Winter

Many people choose to head for the tropics during the winter and I can’t say a blame them. I would love to spend the winter months on a beach in Hawaii, relaxing in Hawaii beach homes under the warm sun….